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Lindsay Gentis

Medically Complex Warriors- Minor Program

HomeCourt Home Care is proud to partner with Indiana FSSA and parents of medically disabled kids in the Medically Complex Warrior program!

HomeCourt recognized that the need for support goes beyond seniors or the elderly. There are many families that have a child or children with medical complexities. These children may see several different health care providers, but their parents are the ones to take care of their day-to-day needs. Parents nurture and support, supervise, and make sure their children are safe and have the care they need. For children who experience chronic and complex health needs, the care they require takes a lot of time and can be financially, physically and emotionally straining. Statistics show that parents/caregivers of medically complex children spend on average up to 52 hours per week providing care at home for their child. This is on top of the other responsibilities, such as raising other children, caring for elders, maintaining their home, looking after their own health, and/or working outside the home.

To help with the financial strain, the Aged & Disabled Waiver program provides the ability for us to hire the parent/guardian to provide direct care to their child. HomeCourt Home Care reimburses for the unskilled activities that the parent provides on a daily basis. If a parent is performing skilled care, the waiver does not reimburse for those activities. (Unskilled care is defined as ADLs, or activities of daily living, such as bathing, toileting, dressing and grooming, ambulation and transfers, general housekeeping, and meal preparation. Skilled care includes administering medication, providing enteral tube feedings, etc.)

In many cases, parents have had to quit their job to take care of their child because their health needs demand a lot of time and skill. We help supplement the financial needs as well as emotional needs by coming alongside the parents to let them know they are not alone in this. We have heard many stories of how this program has given parents' hope! Sam's mom said "I had to quit my job to take care of my son with disabilities. Being able to be his paid caregiver has been an absolutely life-changing blessing for our family." We love supporting families and seeing them thrive!

If you are wondering how to get set up for this program, contact your case manager, local AAA, or call us at (260) 333-1114 to see if you qualify for this program. Once a child is on the A&D Waiver program, our process is simple! Our onboarding specialists will come to you in the comfort of your home to complete the paperwork. Parents/guardians will work directly with their assigned service coordinator to set up a schedule that works for you and your family. We have helped many families in Indiana get paid for providing care to their medically complex child and would love to help you!


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